On a mission to create regenerative objects

Brian Kersbergen (studio briankersbergen) and Pepijn Duijvestein (New Economy) challenge each other in the purpose of creating things. “As a designer, you have a moral obligation to question every product you create. Do we need it? What is the urgency? Is there a future for this product? How can I work with the right materials? What is the impact of creating products, and how can they create a positive impact on our world at every step of their creation?”

Our mission is to redefine the concept of furniture, offering timeless and regenerative solutions that outlive not only our customers but also create a positive legacy. We believe that furniture is not just functional; it should embody healthy living and enduring design. In this way, furniture can be a catalyst for meaningful conversations. The question is, what will be the positive impact of it?

At the heart of our mission lies a steadfast commitment to building a regenerative society. Therefore, we have initiated a platform for designers, material wizards, and regenerative people to provide you with products made from healthy materials, accessible to everyone with an open-source and modular character. It’s called biobased_design. We strive to maximize the environmental benefits at every step of the process. The materials derive from renewable sources that restore and regenerate our ecosystems and local communities, ensuring that our products not only meet your immediate needs but also leave a lasting positive mark on our planet.

biobased_design - where furniture lives on, leaving a legacy of regenerative impact, cherished memories, and a healthier planet. Let’s regenerate!

Curious how we do this? Read our seven_point manifesto:

Our seven_point regenerative manifesto:

All products will be regenerative by design. They provide a solution for human needs, will be part of an education program and create positive employment and honest income. The products must be accessible and designed for different generations, multiple life_spans and be easily repairable. We aim to create designs that are open-source and a Do It Yourself (DIY) kit will be made available so everybody can co-create and build a model depending on their budget.

We will not stop to question ourselves what is actually needed. Even the first Regenerative Modular Cabinet Project (RMC) is already questionable; do we really need to store things and in doing so, don’t actively stimulate consumption? No of course not, but people who are lucky enough to have their own safe space will use furniture to create an enjoyable living environment. Therefore the RMC is created and we encourage people to only buy and store what is really needed.

Social value:
providing +
regeneration thinking +

Ecological value:
preserve >
restore >
regenerate >

Preserve: The DIY kits actively stimulate the reuse of natural materials and components that are already active in the system. It’s questionable whether all materials should be reused and/or recycled, because often in doing so negative side effects occur. We only encourage the reuse of materials that stay healthy when being adjusted.

Restore: All new materials produced through biobased_design are 100% biobased and 100% biodegradable and play a vital role in restoring our soil, reconnecting our communities and creating a healthier living environment. We play an active role in restoring nature.

Regenerate: All new materials are selected based on their multiple advantages because they benefit the soil, vegetation, water, biodiversity and surrounding ecosystems. Also they should be harmless for the environment and people when harvesting, during production, processing and/or and assembling. We interact with these materials as nature.

Not for profit but for impact. We work with 4good_prices. This means that the products have social and ecological returns throughout the entire supply chain and not only create financial profit. biobased_design conducts dedicated research to identify all positive returns and, with its active network, supports the application of regenerative principles for all parties who join in the mission to create healthy living and enduring design.

We bring this to life with our regenerative governance and ownership model. With a stakeholder inclusivity approach, we involve local communities, employees, customers, the environment, and the next generation in decision-making. We prioritize a holistic, long-term, and inclusive approach to decision-making and action.

The goal is for biobased_design to become a steward-owned cooperative, involving designers, farmers, makers, and users, so that we can create biobased_design regions all over the world.

Economical value:
governance _
ownership _

Appealing &
Connecting &

We select our materials consciously and make sure to carefully research the applications. Too often products consist of conflict and critical materials that do harm to our communities or environment. We make sure to never use resources that could better be used for food or other more wisely functions, such as medical appliances. We utilize the materials to their full potential.

*The designs are created using computers, and the robots/machines that manufacture these designs may unfortunately still involve the use of conflict minerals and critical materials.

Our design philosophy centers on creating products that outlive their initial users, making them readily available for the next user, and ensuring their lasting value in the regenerative market. Products are intended to be appealing to a broad audience and easily adaptable to individual preferences. They should help us connect to other individuals and natural beings.

Avoid >
reduce conflict

Jevons paradox

Designing a cabinet is counter intuitive to our regenerative mission when it is not needed or being used to store non-regenerative products. Therefore our designs will not stimulate the idea that you can enjoy furniture without wisely considering if it's really needed. The cabinet’s philosophy aims to inspire its users and make them aware of their daily consumption choices.


We will create local and short supply chains and make use of resources that are available locally and fit the local context. In every bioregion, a local social, ecological and economical context, there will be different active partners creating collaborations between farmers, designers, producers and users.


The designs will have a strong focus on creating designs that are accessible and available for all people. Within a series there will be the possibility for a DIY kit and/or a price range that fits different groups.